The History of Eclética Química
This history of Eclética Química was written by then Editor-in-Chief Prof. Assis Vicente Benedetti, from the Institute of Chemistry at the São Paulo State University “Júlio Mesquita Filho” (IQ-UNESP) in Araraquara on February 22nd, 2023, and updated on January 5th, 2024 and on January 27th, 2025. The objective of this text is, as much as possible, to report the journal’s trajectory and provide knowledge of it to the readers and authors of the articles published in it, and, concomitantly, to offer subsidies to the work of future editors and other members of the editorial board.
- Introduction
The Eclética Química journal was founded in 1976 by Prof. Waldemar Saffioti. It is among the oldest journals dedicated to chemistry in Brazil, and its first objective was to promote the dissemination of the results of UNESP’s research in chemistry.
Gradually, it attracted the attention of researchers from other Brazilian universities and, as a result, assumed national importance. Even in its early days, there were publications of articles from other countries, which increased later over the decades, consolidating Eclét. Quím. national and international profile. The peer review system for articles submitted for publication was adopted from the first issue. It is an undeniable fact that, over the years, the publication of articles from national and foreign universities has facilitated partnerships between research groups, collaborating with national scientific development. Concomitantly, its insertion in the industrial sector occurred, catalyzing pioneering actions involving universities and the business sector at a time when this was rarely promoted, including by funding agencies. The journal’s contributions to the university-business approach are associated with Brazil’s own scientific and technological development.
- What marked the history of Eclética Química from 1976 to nowadays?
Between 1976 and 1990 the journal received submissions and processed peer review until acceptance or rejection of the entire manuscript via mail. In the first half of the 1990s, the journal began to receive articles via the Internet, especially contributions from abroad, in still modest numbers. The peer review process was done via email.
From 1976 to 1997 the articles were managed via mail and then email. From 1976 to 2016 articles were published primarily in Portuguese, although articles in Spanish, French, and English were also accepted.
Articles were published in print format between 1976 and 2011, volumes 1-35. Electronic publishing began in 2004 (volume 29) and continues until today.
In 1997 Eclética Química was indexed in SciELO Brazil, and vols. 22-36, issues 1 and 2 were published in the SciELO platform. In June 2012, the journal was discontinued. However, there was no interruption in publications, the number of issues per year decreased from 4 from 2005 to 2011 to 1 between 2012 and 2017, and publications occurred late (volume 36, issues 3 and 4, and volume 37 published in June 2014; volume 38 in October 2015; volume 39 in March 2016 and volume 40 in September 2017) in a tab of the Institute of Chemistry-UNESP’s website.
From June 2012 to March 2017, the Associate Editor Prof. Antonio Carlos Massabni, IQ-UNESP, and thanks to him, the publication was not interrupted because he took responsibility for the evaluation process, selection, and publication of the articles with the collaboration of graduate students, scholarship holders, and the secretary of the Institute of Chemistry.
From 2012 to 2016, the journal suffered several editorial hindrances that initially led to the loss of indexing in SciELO in June 2012 due to delays in sending issues. The mishaps of this period led, after an understanding between the previous Editors and the Director of the Institute of Chemistry, to appoint a new Editorial Board.
In April, Professor Assis Vicente Benedetti (IQ-UNESP) was appointed Editor-in-Chief and new Associate Editors were chosen. The mentioned occurrences brought inexorable damage to the journal, and authors with the consequent loss of indexing in databases, besides its discontinuity in SciELO. The new Board of Editors promoted changes in the journal, implementing an online platform for submission, review, and publication, and starting to publish articles only in English.
The Editorial Board that took over in 2017 understood that the publication of articles in English promoted at least two significant actions: first, the dissemination of research, sometimes of a strictly regional nature, to the international community, receiving attention from it, including established partnerships; the second refers to the educational process, applied mainly to young researchers regarding the care in the preparation of their articles since it would be subjected to a careful analysis by peers. Between 2017 and October 2022 the “Journal” subtitle was added to its name; however, to maintain the ISSN of the online publication and the original name Eclética Química was adopted again in October 2022.
In September 2017, the single-issue, vol 41 (2016) was published in Portuguese and the single-issue, vol 42 (2017) was published in English on December 30.
In 2017, the most profound changes to the journal began with the implementation of OJS version in June 2017. This system allowed the submission and preparation of manuscripts, and the availability of questionnaires, double-blind peer review, communication with reviewers and authors, editing and publication in online mode.
Instructions for Authors were published after the Editorial and continue to be inserted in every issue to inform authors and reviewers of updates. The Instructions for Authors informed the guidelines for publishing scientific articles, Ethical Guides, Publication Copyright and Appeal, and that the articles published in Eclética Química are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The authors’ full names, ORCID IDs, Graphical Abstract, Keywords, and DOI numbers for all references, if any, are now required.
Since 2017, all articles have been reviewed by the antiplagiarism software Turnitin for similarity and possible plagiarism checks. The similarity report is analyzed only by the Editor-in-Chief, who informs the authors of the necessary procedures to continue the analysis or reject the article.
Submission of review and minireview articles should preferably be preceded by a letter to the Editor according to the requirements of the Journal, who has 15 days to respond to the potential authors.
The Institute of Chemistry/journal was registered at the Associação Brasileira de Editores de Revistas Científicas (ABEC), today ABEC-Brazil, to obtain the DOI prefix from CrossRef. The Editor-in-Chief has also registered as an individual member of ABEC-Brazil to participate in the congresses, webinars and courses of the association and its partners.
Eclética Química’s major editorial milestone occurred in 2017 when it began using the Open Journal System (OJS) for receiving submissions, processing, and publishing articles. With the implementation of the fully online process, it has become possible to operate all steps from manuscript submission to online publication in a secure, agile, consistent, and cost-effective manner. Initially, OJS version was used.
In 2018, contacts with the organizations responsible for journal indexing made it possible to restore lost indexing and obtain new indexing. The journal’s articles have been indexed in Redalyc. Several indexations in different databases were achieved during the 2018-2019 period. (see item 6)
As of July 1, 2018, the Institute of Chemistry, in an action by the then Director Prof. Dr. Eduardo Maffud Cilli, signed a 30-month contract with the company Ctrl K - Edição de Textos (Contract AR/IQ 007/2018, Process AR/IQ 321/2018) to provide services of diagramming, proofreading and publication of scientific articles for Eclética Química, in PDF and XML formats using the OJS platform, which allowed the continuation of the journal’s activities.
In 2018, articles published between 1976 and 2017 were digitized and added to the journal’s webpage (https://revista.iq.unesp.br/ojs/index.php/ecletica/issue/archive) with collaboration from a BAAE-III grantee student. These articles were assigned to the DOI numbers, but the DOI numbers of articles with SciELO DOI prefix were not recorded.
As of the last issue of 2018, the “Submission Preparation Checklist” was added to the journal’s webpage. The decision to publish special issues was made in early 2018. The articles are now submitted to a prereview (desk review) by the Editor and Technical Advisor to verify similarity and conformity with the journal’s rules. A flowchart has been established for processing submissions through publication, assignment of DOI numbers and uploading the articles to the databases. The flowchart is periodically reviewed, updated and added to the last version of the History of Eclética Química. The flowchart is shown in Appendix 1.3 (updated on January 20th, 2025).
From 2018 on, four issues/year were published in addition to special issues until January 2024. In 2018 a special issue was published, with Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Erika Pereira Felix, UFTR-Curitiba, Prof. Dr. Danielle Caroline Schnitzler, UFTR-Curitiba, invited by the Editor-in-Chief after hearing the other Editors. This was the practice used for the other special numbers.
The routine activities of the journal were maintained. A special issue was published, Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Adalgisa Rodrigues de Andrade, USP-Ribeirão Preto, Prof. Dr. Paulo Olivi, USP-Ribeirão Preto. In the last issue of 2019, the possibility to submit supplementary information was included to encourage the dissemination of experimental data and methodologies complementary to the main paper.
The same year also saw the journal’s inclusion in the UNESP Library Portal, UNESP Journal Portal and the signing of the “License Agreement” contract with the Elton Bryson Stephens Company Publishing Inc. (EBSCO) and the Redalyc questionnaire completed. The articles began to be uploaded to the Redalyc database.
Besides the routine of the journal, in April 2020, articles were added to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). In the third issue of 2020, Technical Notes and Articles on Education in Chemistry and Chemistry-correlated areas became, limited to 25 pages.
In 2021, the English prereview process was implemented before the manuscript was sent to the ad-hoc reviewers. As of April, several instructions to authors have been introduced or updated: Authors’ contribution information is required according to CRediT taxonomy (https://casrai.org/credit/); Authors name, citations in the text and reference list should be made according to American Chemistry Society (ACS) citation style. Several points of The Ethical Guidelines were put in evidence. Data availability statement information has been required. The abstract size should contain 170 words maximum. Several templates were developed, periodically reviewed, updated and added to the last version of the History of Eclética Química. Templates for cover letters, graphical abstracts and manuscripts are available for authors (Appendices 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, updated on January 20th, 2025). The CPEC questionnaire – diagnosis of UNESP journals requested by the UNESP (PROPe-UNESP) was filled out (Appendix 3.1, was not updated on January 20th, 2025).
In February 2022, the OJS version installation was completed, allowing for an improved journal layout. In October 2022, the Eclética Química Journal was renamed Eclética Química again, with the removal of the subtitle “Journal” being the first issue published with the original name in January 2023.
In 2022, two special issues were published, 1SI and 2SI. For issue 1SI, Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Elson Longo da Silva, UFSCAR-São Carlos, and Prof. Dr. Juan Manuel Andrés Bort, UJI-Castelló de la Plana; and for issue 2SI, Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Assis Vicente Benedetti, UNESP-Araraquara, as indicated by the other Editors.
Between September and December, several members of the associate editors and the editorial board were replaced to increase equity and diversity and give the journal greater geographical coverage and dynamism. For a short time in 2023, the Associate Editors were simply called Editors.
In 2022, there was a considerable increase in editors, which required the preparation of a work script, including the main action steps performed by the Editor after
being appointed by the Editor-in-Chief to accompany a manuscript, called the EDITOR’S WORK SCHEDULE (Appendix 4.3, updated on January 20th, 2025).
In 2023 many changes were performed to increase the Journal visibility, equity of women/men ratio in the Editorial Team, regional editors’ distributions, Editorial Advisory Board abroad members participation, and general quality of the journal based on the increase of metric parameters. The version of OJS was installed and the antiplagiarism ITHENTICATE software was adopted in November 2023. The metadata correction of all manuscripts published in Eclética Química was concluded. Digital preservation – the journal was incorporated into the Cariniana Network (IBICT- Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology) in December 2023. Other changes were incorporated at the end of 2023 to start in 2024: updating of the editorial policy, guidelines for authors, article template and cover letter template. The journal's new logo was also uploaded to the website.
During the 4th quarter of this year, the number of components of the Editorial team was increased, better distributed around Brazil, South America and some countries of Europe and one member from USA. With the better regional and abroad distribution of the Associated Editors, it was expected that published issues should reflect its national and international scope, in line with the constitution of the associated editors and the editorial board. Even considering the increase in submissions, it was not evident until 2024.
In 2023, other actions were developed. Metadata verification and correction of 308 articles published on the journal’s platform and 444 articles published on SciELO’s platform were performed. The XML archives were prepared and uploaded in specific spreadsheets for the 308 articles and sent to CrossRef to make the update. The review form was modified to introduce questions to reviewers to stimulate a transparent and open review practice. The possibility of one article having two corresponding authors was approved since both authors present similar contributions to the manuscript, one of them permanent at the institution. In December 2023, the Editor-in-Chief provided the information necessary for the digital preservation of Eclética Química by the “Rede Cariniana (IBICT- Digital preservation - Rede Cariniana (IBICT- Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia). Update of editorial policy, guidelines for authors, and manuscript and cover letter templates were performed and uploaded to the journal webpage. The new logo of the journal, a new layout for the manuscript and a video about the journal were created by professionals in Scientific Dissemination. Two new sections were included in the journal policy “Letters” and “Thematic Sections”, the last substituted “Special Issues”.
In 2024, modifications and updates continued, and new procedures were adopted. Continuous publication (continuous flow) began in January; thematic sections replaced special issues and others.
In 2024, Eclética Química began the continued publication, in one volume per year, with consequent change in the suffix of the DOI number. At the same time, we initiated the use of new layouts, logo, and templates, besides applying the new Editorial Policy. The Eclét. Quím. was updated in the BIBLAT database.
The Editorial Policy has been significantly changed with the inclusion of detailed information on the editorial flow with a new flowchart for the editorial process, determining the various actions for each stage; the desired deadlines for each stage have been established, but this should be reviewed in 2025 because some deadlines have proven insufficient for the proposed objective; an important step towards open peer review has been taken, allowing the full publication of the reviewers' opinions and the authors' responses with the consent of authors and reviewers. The consent of the reviewers is mandatory for the publication of the opinions identifying the reviewers; the responsibilities of all agents involved in the editorial process have been established: editor-in-chief, associate editors, editorial board, authors and reviewers; use of artificial intelligence (AI), its limits and how it should be indicated its use; acceptance of preprints, publication ethics policy including corrections and retractions, retracting articles and issuing an expression of concern; conflict of interest policy (editor-in-chief, associate editors, authors and reviewers), and archiving – digital preservation; and authors guidelines mainly in ethical guidelines such as in AI using, conflict of interest, review process, copyright.
Eclética Química in BIBLAT was updated and the new article layout was applied. The upload of articles published between 2012 and 2016 in EPUB format has resumed.
Information on the journal's interoperability with the protocol and the meta tags of the articles and the journal were made available. OJS has the OAI-PMH, the interoperability protocol website:
The journal's meta tags are accessed by right-clicking on any page of the journal's website and choosing "View Page Source". For article meta tags, just right-click on an article page and choose "View Page Source". A message appears that corresponds to the OAI access URL and expects a command like: https://revista.iq.unesp.br/ojs/index.php/ecletica/oai?verb=Identify
Or https://revista.iq.unesp.br/ojs/index.php/ecletica/oai?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc
Changes were made to the evaluation questionnaire for manuscripts submitted to the journal and the guidelines for authors to allow authors and reviewers to express their views on open review. Thus, authors and reviewers who agree to publish their reviews and responses to the reviewers' comments and suggestions in different rounds will have this material published. If they do not agree to declare their identities, the review publication and response will be carried out anonymously. The templates changed along with the year as: APPENDIX 3a1-Template Cover Letter - 2024-OTH.docx; APPENDIX 3.2a-Template Cover Letter -09-26-2024-OTH-OTH.docx.
A .git file was created on GitHub: https://github.com/Assisbenedetti/Ecletica-Quimica.git, which allowed adding a program for Mendeley (csl.mendeley.com_styles_585805711_ecletica-quimica.pdf) so that Mendeley users can write their articles by placing references in the text and the reference list according to the Eclética Química citation style. This information was added to the journal page in the “submissions” tab.
The Eclética Química reviewer database was created and is available to Associate Editors to facilitate the search for reviewers (Reviewer Advanced Search) which is available only for authorized members of the staff and editorial team.
The journal's video and the visitor map were updated, including the country and, in some cases, the visitor's status in real-time. The OJS plugin used informs in real-time the number of accesses from its installation, i.e., from December 1st, 2022. This also allows searching for the total number of visitors for any period. It was also updated the keywords map.
The Latindex form was completed to catalogue the journal in the new Latindex Catalogue 2.
Similarity reports are obtained for the submitted and accepted manuscripts just before publishing. These reports are preserved in California, USA.
- Formats of publication
1976-1980: Volumes 1 to 6 have been published only in print without ISSN registration.
1981-2003: Volume 6, issue 1, to volume 28, issues 1 and 2, were published only in print under the ISSN 0100-4670.
2004-2010: Volumes 29 to 35 were published in print (ISSN: 0100-4670) and online versions (ISSN: 1678-4618).
2011-: From volume 36, the journal publishes only in electronic format under the ISSN 1678-4618.
- Assignment of the Digital Object Identification (DOI)
All articles published in Eclética Química can be found on the journal’s web page (https://revista.iq.unesp.br/ojs/index.php/ecletica/issue/archive) with their respective Digital Object Identification (DOI) numbers provided by CrossRef. The staff of the journal is responsible for creating the metadata and HTML and uploading them to CrossRef, Redalyc and DOAJ.
1976–1996: volume 1, issue 1, to volume 21, issue 1, the articles received the DOI numbers with the prefix 10.26850 owned by the Institute of Chemistry/UNESP and registered at CrossRef.
1997–2011: volume 22 to volume 36, issues 1 and 2, the journal was indexed in SciELO (issues 3 and 4 of 2011, published late) and the articles received the DOI numbers with the prefix 10.1590, owned by SciELO. The SciELO indexation was discontinued in June 2012. In this period, to place the articles on the journal page via the OJS system, the articles from volumes 22–35 and volume 36 issues 1 and 2 received the DOI numbers with prefix 10.26850 UNREGISTERED in CROSSREF, therefore inactive, since the articles already had the DOI numbers from SciELO. Inactive DOI numbers do not allow access to these articles, which are accessed directly with the SciELO DOI numbers or on the review page.
In 2023, after contacting CROSSREF about the possibility of making the inactive DOIs of Eclética Química valid, all of them were registered in CROSSREF. Attempts initially made with SciELO to arrange the metadata transfer or correction from SciELO platform to Eclética Química were unsuccessful due to difficulties in understanding how to do it. Prof. Sigmar de Mello Rode (President of ABEC-Brasil) helped us to make this understanding and Eclética Química received the permission to take the necessary measures with CROSSREF. So, proper spreadsheets with all the information about the articles and with the corrected metadata by the Eclética Química STAFF/Editor-in-Chief were filled and sent to CROSSREF, which made the proper changes. Since then, all articles published in Ecletica Química, including those published on the SciELO platform have validated DOIs with prefix 10.26850 and can be directly accessed through the website: https://revista.iq.unesp.br/ojs/index.php/ecletica/issue/archive.
2012-2023: Articles from this period were published in the electronic form and received the DOIs with the prefix 10.26850 and suffix composed by the e-ISSNeqj.vxx.issue number.year.pyy-zz, like all other DOIs received for all published articles in the Eclét. Quím.
2024-: Continue publication format was adopted, so the suffix of the DOIs also changed to e-ISSN.eq.vxx.year.e-number of the submission given by OJS system.
- Direction of the Journal – Editorial Team and Staff
Since the first volume, the Eclética Química has had at least one of these committees/boards: writing committee, editors, editorial board, or advisory board. The members of the committees/boards, as well as the composition of the journal staff, can be found in Appendix 5.3 (updated on January 20th, 2025) which is updated whenever necessary.
1976–1977. Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Waldemar Saffioti, UNESP-Araraquara.
1978–1985. Chief Copywriter: Prof. Dr. Jean Pierre Gastmans UNESP-Araraquara. Since 1978, Eclética Química has been a publication of the Institute of Chemistry of Araraquara, São Paulo State University “Júlio Mesquita Filho.” In 1981 the ISSN 0100-4670 was registered for the printed version of the journal.
1986–1990. Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Galindo Massabni, UNESP-Araraquara. In 1988, the journal started to be published by Fundação de Desenvolvimento da UNESP (FUNDUNESP). From 1985-1988, in volumes 10 to 13, the submission date of the article was indicated. In 1989, the Advisory Board was created, which later became the Editorial Board.
1991–2003. Director: Prof. Dr. Antonio Tallarico Vicente Adorno, UNESP-Araraquara. In 1997, the journal was admitted to the SciELO Platform. In 2001, the 1st special issue was published (XIII Regional Meeting of Chemistry of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Oct. 21–26, 2001, Araraquara) following all the norms of the current issues. Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. José Anchieta Gomes Neto, UNESP-Araraquara.
2003–2008. Editor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Tallarico Vicente Adorno, UNESP-Araraquara. From the 2nd issue of 2003 on, Associate Editors: Prof. Dr. Antonio Eduardo Mauro, UNESP-Araraquara, Prof. Dr. Assis Vicente Benedetti, UNESP-Araraquara.
2009–2010. Editor: Prof. Dr. Sydney José Lima Ribeiro, UNESP-Araraquara. Issues 1 and 2, 2009, Associate Editors: Prof. Dr. Antonio Eduardo Mauro, UNESP-Araraquara, Prof. Dr. Assis Vicente Benedetti, UNESP-Araraquara. Issues 3 and 4 of 2009 until the 4 issues of 2010, Associate Editors: Prof. Dr. Antonio Tallarico Adorno, UNESP-Araraquara, Prof. Dr. Antonio Eduardo Mauro, UNESP-Araraquara, Prof. Dr. Assis Vicente Benedetti, UNESP-Araraquara.
2011. Editor: Prof. Dr. Sydney José Lima Ribeiro, UNESP-Araraquara. Some graduate students worked in the journal during this year.
2012–2016. Editor: Prof. Sidney José Lima Ribeiro, UNESP-Araraquara. Associate Editor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Massabni, UNESP-Araraquara. Volumes 37–40 were published as a single issue and always with delays of up to 2 years.
2017-2020. Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Assis Vicente Benedetti, UNESP-Araraquara. Associate Editors: Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Alves Cardoso, UNESP-Araraquara, Prof. Dr. Antonio Eduardo Mauro, UNESP-Araraquara, Prof. Dr. Maysa Furlan, UNESP-Araraquara, Prof. Dr. Maria Célia Bertolini, UNESP-Araraquara. In addition to the Editor-in-Chief, four Associate Editors of the Institute of Chemistry-UNESP were appointed, who indicated 10 new members of the Editorial Board, three of them from foreign universities.
2021–2022: Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Assis Vicente Benedetti, UNESP-Araraquara. Associate Editors: Prof. Dr. Antonio Eduardo Mauro, UNESP-Araraquara, Prof. Dr. Horacio Heinzen, UdelaR, Montevideo, Prof. Dr. Marcos Carlos de Mattos, UFC-Recife, Prof. Dr. Maria Célia Bertolini, UNESP-Araraquara, Prof. Dr. Patrícia Hatsue Suegama, UFGD-Dourados, Prof. Dr. Paulo Clairmont Feitosa Lima Gomes, UNESP-Araraquara. In 2021, a special issue was published, Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Elso Drigo Filho, UNESP-São José de Rio Preto, Prof. Dr. Fernando Luis Fertonani, UNESP-São José de Rio Preto.
2023-2024: Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Assis Vicente Benedetti, UNESP-Araraquara. Editors: Prof. Dr. Angélica María Baena Moncada, NUE-Lima, Prof. Dr. Boutros Sarrouh, UFSJ-São João Del-Rei, Prof. Dr. Celly Mieko Shinohara Izumi, UFJF-Juiz de Fora, Prof. Dr. Horácio Heinzen, UdelaR-Montevideo, Prof. Dr. Irlon Maciel Ferreira, UFA-Macapá, Prof. Dr. Manuel Ignacio Azocar Guzmán, USACH-Santiago, Prof. Dr. Marcos Carlos de Mattos, UFC-Fortaleza, Prof. Dr. Mario Antônio Alves da Cunha, UFTR-Pato Branco, Prof. Dr. Michelle Jakeline Cunha Rezende, UFRJ-Rio de Janeiro, Prof. Dr. Natany Dayani de Souza Assai, UFF-Volta Redonda, Prof. Dr. Natanael de Carvalho Costa, UFRJ-Rio de Janeiro, Prof. Dr. Nuria Cinca, Hyperion Materials & Technologies-Martorelles and UPC-Barcelona, Prof. Dr. Omayra Beatriz Ferreiro Balbuena, UMA-Assunción, Prof. Dr. Patrícia Hatsue Suegama, UFGD-Dourados, Prof. Dr. Paulo Clairmont Feitosa Lima Gomes, UNESP-Araraquara, Prof. Dr. Rogéria Rocha Gonçalves, USP-Ribeirão Preto.
2025- : Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Assis Vicente Benedetti, UNESP-Araraquara. Editors: Prof. Dr. Angélica María Baena Moncada, NUE-Lima, Prof. Dr. Boutros Sarrouh, UFSJ-São João Del-Rei, Prof. Dr. Celly Mieko Shinohara Izumi, UFJF-Juiz de Fora, Prof. Dr. María Natalia Besil Arismendi, University of the Republic, Northern Coast Regional University Centre, Paysandú, Prof. Dr. Irlon Maciel Ferreira, UFA-Macapá, Prof. Dr. Manuel Ignacio Azocar Guzmán, USACH-Santiago, Prof. Dr. Marcos Carlos de Mattos, UFC-Fortaleza, Prof. Dr. Mario Antônio Alves da Cunha, UFTR-Pato Branco, Prof. Dr. Natany Dayani de Souza Assai, UFF-Volta Redonda, Prof. Dr. Hbiddin Habiddin, Universitas Negeri Malang, East Java, Dr. Nuria Cinca, Hyperion Materials & Technologies-Martorelles and UPC-Barcelona, Prof. Dr. Omayra Beatriz Ferreiro Balbuena, UMA-Assunción, Prof. Dr. Patrícia Hatsue Suegama, UFGD-Dourados, Prof. Dr. Paulo Clairmont Feitosa Lima Gomes, UNESP-Araraquara, Prof. Dr. Rogéria Rocha Gonçalves, USP-Ribeirão Preto.
- Indexations of Eclética Química since its beginning
1976-1982. The journal was not indexed in any database.
1983. The first record on indexation of Eclética Química was in Bibliografia Brasileira de Química Básica e Química Tecnológica; Biological Abstracts; Ozone Chemistry and Technology; Periodica; Publications of the Nuclear Information Center of the National Nuclear Energy Commission; Revista de Resumenes Analíticos en .. (URSS), Sumario Actual de Revistas.
1984. Indexed in Analytical Abstracts, Bibliografia Brasileira de Química Básica e Química Tecnológica; Biological Abstracts; Ozone Chemistry and Technology; Periodica – Índice de Revistas Latino-americanas em Ciências; Publicações do Centro de Informações Nucleares da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear; Revista de Resumenes Analíticos en .. (URSS), Sumario Actual de Revistas.
1985-1988. Indexed in Analytical Abstracts, Bibliografia Brasileira de Química Básica e Química Tecnológica; Biological Abstracts; Ozone Chemistry and Technology; Periodica – Índice de Revistas Latino-americanas em Ciências; Publicações do Centro de Informações Nucleares da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear; Revista de Resumenes Analíticos en .. (URSS), Sumário de Educação; Sumário Correntes Brasileiros: Ciências Exatas e Biológicas.
1989. Indexed in Analytical Abstracts; Bibliografia Brasileira de Química Básica e Química Tecnológica; Biological Abstracts; Ozone Chemistry and Technology; Periodica – Índice de Revistas Latino-americanas em Ciências; Publicações do Centro de Informações Nucleares da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear: Bibliografia Brasileira de Energia Nuclear (BIBEN), and Base de dados do Centro de Informações Nucleares da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear; Revista de Resumenes Analíticos en .. (URSS), Sumário de Educação; Sumário Correntes Brasileiros:Ciências Exatas e Biológicas.
1990-1996. Indexed in Analytical Abstracts; Bibliografia Brasileira de Química Básica e Química Tecnológica; Biological Abstracts; Ozone Chemistry and Technology; Periodica – Índice de Revistas Latino-americanas em Ciências; Publicações do Centro de Informações Nucleares da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear: Bibliografia Brasileira de Energia Nuclear (BIBEN), and Base de dados do Centro de Informações Nucleares da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear; Revista de Resumenes Analíticos en .. (URSS); Sumário de Educação; Sumário Correntes Brasileiros: Ciências Exatas e Biológicas (replaced by Sumários de Educação), Chemical Abstracts.
1997-1999. Indexed in Base de dados INIS – Brasil; Bibliografia Brasileira de Química Básica e Química Tecnológica; BIOSIS Data Base; Boletim Bibliográfico do Serviço de Documentação e Publicação, CENP – SP; Chemical Abstracts; Chemistry Citation Index; Periodica – Índice de Revistas Latino-americanas em Ciências; Research Alert Data Base; Revista de Resumenes Analíticos em (URSS); Sumários de Educação.
2000-2007 until 2nd issue. Indexed in Abstracts Journal/Referativnyi Zhurnal (Moscow, Russia); Analytical Abstracts; Biotechnology Citation Index; Chemical Abstracts; Chemistry Citation Index; Materials Science Citation Index; SciELO; Web of Science.
2007, 3rd issue, -2011. Indexed in Abstracts Journal/Referativnyi Zhurnal (Moscow, Russia); CAB Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, SciELO, SciFinder Scholar; Redalyc.
2018-2019. Indexed in Scopus; Compendex, Reaxys, Embase and others (Elsevier), Latindex Indexing; Redalyc; SciFindern (CAS); Google Scholar; Evisa Speciation.
2020. Indexed in Scopus; Compendex, Reaxys, Embase and others (Elsevier); Latindex; SciFindern (CAS); Google Scholar; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); Redalyc, Redib; Evisa Speciation; EBSCO Discovery Service; BIBLAT-Bibliografia Latinoamericana; IAEA-INIS-International Nuclear Information System.
2022-. Indexed in Scopus; Compendex, Reaxys, Embase and others (Elsevier); Latindex; SciFindern (CAS); Google Scholar; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); Redalyc; Redib; Evisa Speciation; EBSCO Discovery Service; BIBLAT-Bibliografia Latinoamericana; IAEA-INIS-International Nuclear Information System, FSTA-Food Science and Technology Abstracts.
- Journal Editors, language of publication, volumes, and issues
Table 1 presents the Editors of Eclética Química, language of publication, and volumes with their annual issues since its origin (Appendix 6.3, (updated on January 20th, 2025).
- Distribution of volumes, issues and articles published since 1976
Table 2 shows the distribution of volumes and issues of Eclética Química (Appendix 7.3, updated on January 20th, 2025).
- Projects to get funds for the Journal
In previous years, there was an effort on the part of the editors to raise the resources to publish the volumes in print and later to provide financial support for the journal, but records of these resources are not available.
A project of the journal attending the PROPe-UNESP Notice 05/2018 of institutional support to scientific periodicals of UNESP was submitted to the D category on April 11th, 2018, and approved in the amount of R$ 3,500.00 (three thousand and five hundred reais).
A project was sent to CNPQ/CAPES Notice 18/2018 - PROGRAMA EDITORIAL (Protocol no. 5150221018403457) on September 6th, 2018, to attend the CNPQ/CAPES Call 18/2018 Publishing Program, Proc. 406750/2018-1. The journal was not awarded, and the project was denied.
A project of the journal attending the PROPe-UNESP Notice 07/2021 of institutional support to scientific periodicals of UNESP was submitted to the D category on June 24, 2022, and approved in the amount of R$ 3,500.00 (three thousand and five hundred reais) Letter No. 191/2022 - PROPe. The funds were used to improve the layout of Eclética Química and to check and correct the metadata of articles published between 1976 and 2017.
A project was sent to CNPq (Protocol no. 1790687996551070) on 11/09/2022 to attend the CNPq Call 12/2022 Publishing Program, Proc. 407083/2022-7. The journal was awarded R$14,000.00 (fourteen thousand reais). The report about this project was sent to CNPq on January 5th, 2024.
In 2023, a project of the journal attending the PROPe-UNESP Notice 015/2023 of institutional support to scientific periodicals of UNESP was submitted on July 10th, 2023, to the C category and the journal was awarded R$7,500.00 (seven thousand and five hundred reais).
In 2024, a project of the journal attending the PROPe-UNESP Notice 11/2024 of institutional support to scientific periodicals of UNESP was submitted on July 10th, 2024, to the C category and the journal was awarded R$7,500.00 (seven thousand and five hundred reais).
A project was sent to CAPES/CNPq Notice 30/2023, (Protocol no. 2780504088785192) on May 31st, 2024, to attend the CAPES/CNPq Call 30/2023 Publishing Program, Proc. 400821/2024-9. The journal was awarded R$10,000.00 (ten thousand reais).
Table 3 (Appendix 8.1) shows the funds obtained for Eclética Química in the last years.