
The main changes made during this year and the new features for the beginning of 2024


To Authors, Reviewers, Readers, Researchers, and everybody involved with Chemistry, Education in Chemistry and Correlate Disciplines.

The Editors, Editorial Advisory Board and Staff are proud to announce the main changes made during this year and the new features for the beginning of 2024 to make the publication process faster and improve the visibility and quality of Eclética Química.

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We hope you decide to submit your next article to Eclética Química.

Thank you all for your attention and collaboration this year, which has made it possible to achieve our goals and continue dreaming of the growth of our journal.

The Editorial Team of Eclética Química wishes all of you and your families Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Assis Vicente Benedetti
Editor-in-Chief - Eclética Química

Thematic Section - Celebrating the centenary of the 20th century Acid-Base Theories


In this thematic section, in addition to celebrating the centenary of the 20th century Acid-Base Theories, the knowledge that contributed to their development and the current applications of these theories will be considered. For this purpose, we present some suggestions for general topics for manuscript submission:
• History of acid-base theories;
• Development of acid-base concepts;
• Teaching the acid-base theories;
• Applications of acid-base concepts in scientific research and industry.

Profa Dra Glaucia M. S. Degrève
Profa Dra Natany D. S. Assai
Profa Dra Rogéria R. Gonçalves

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Eclética Química is now indexed on several databeses


The journal is currently indexed in Scopus and other Elsevier products (SciFinder), CAS-Elsevier, SciFinder, Google Scholar, DOAJ, Redib, IAEA-INIS, FSTA and Evisa Speciation. Moreover, it is updated in the Latin America databases Redalyc, Biblat-Bibliogrtafia Latinoamericana, and EBSCO.

We take the opportunity to invite the researchers to submit their manuscripts to Eclética Química  through our online system:
