Published: 2005-03-28


Eclética Química

Synthesis, characterization and thermal behaviour of solid state compounds of 4-methoxybenzoate with Manganese, Nickel and Copper

Emanuel Carlos Rodrigues, Adriana Cossu Vallejo, Elias Yuki Ionashiro, Girbert Bannach, Massao Ionashiro


Spectrophotometric determination of diclofenac in pharmaceutical preparations assisted by microwave oven

Eduardo Gonçalves Ciapina, Alberto Opperman Santini, Patrícia Los Weinert, Mara Andréia Gotardo, Helena Redigolo Pezza, Leonardo Pezza


Lychnophoric acid from Lychnophora pinaster: a complete and unequivocal assignment by NMR spectroscopy

Damaris Silveira, Jose Dias de Souza Filho, Alaide Braga de Oliveira, Delio Soares Raslan


Synthetic model of a new deoxybenzoin derivative from Deguelia hatschbachii A.M.G. Azevedo

Aderbal Farias Magalhães, Eva Gonçalves Magalhães, Giordano Trazzi, Valeria Regina de Souza


The Li+, Na+ and K+ ion exchange reaction process on the surface of mixed oxide SiO2/TiO2/Sb2O5 surface prepared by the Sol-Gel processing method

Cláudia Urbano Ferreira, José Eduardo Gonçalves, Yuriy Valentinovych Kholin, Yoshitaka Gushikem


Synthesis, structural and morphological characterization of CeO2 – ZnO nanosized powder systems from Pechini’s method

Cinara Peverari, Ana Maria Pires, Rogéria Rocha Gonçalves, Osvaldo Antonio Serra


Use of experimental design in the optimisation of a solid phase preconcentration system for Cobalt determination by GFAAS

Geraldo Domingues Matos, César Ricardo Teixeira Tarley, Sérgio Luis Costa Ferreira, Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda
