Synthetic model of a new deoxybenzoin derivative from Deguelia hatschbachii A.M.G. Azevedo

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Aderbal Farias Magalhães
Eva Gonçalves Magalhães
Giordano Trazzi
Valeria Regina de Souza


In this paper we describe the synthesis of 2 ́,4 ́-dimethoxy-8-(propyl-2-one)-deoxybenzoin, a
new compound employed as a model for the comparison with the respective spectral data for 6’,4-
dihydroxy-3’-(3,3- dimethylallyl)-2",2"-dimethylchromene(5",6":5’,4’)-2’-methoxy-8-(propyl-2-one)
deoxybenzoin, recently isolated from Deguelia hatschbachii A.M.G. Azevedo. Both compounds have a
“propyl-2-one” group attached to C-8 of the deoxybenzoin skeleton, for which there is no precedent in
the literature. The Friedel-Crafts reaction of 1,3-dimethoxybenzene with phenylacetyl chloride furnished
2 ́,4 ́-dimethoxydeoxybenzoin, that after reaction with allyl bromide gave 2 ́,4 ́-dimethoxy-8-(allyl)-
deoxybenzoin. Wacker oxidation gave the desired model compound in 15% overall yield. The corresponding
spectral data reinforced the structure previously determined for the natural product.


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How to Cite
Magalhães, A. F., Magalhães, E. G., Trazzi, G., & Valeria Regina de Souza. (2005). Synthetic model of a new deoxybenzoin derivative from Deguelia hatschbachii A.M.G. Azevedo. Eclética Química, 30(1), 43–49.
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