Synthesis, structural and morphological characterization of CeO2 – ZnO nanosized powder systems from Pechini’s method

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Cinara Peverari
Ana Maria Pires
Rogéria Rocha Gonçalves
Osvaldo Antonio Serra


This work reports on the investigation of nanosized CeO 2 -ZnO systems prepared by Pechini's
method. The structural and morphological characterization of CeO 2 -ZnO systems as well as the
characterization of CeO 2 and ZnO separately, showed that the employed method result in powders with
spheroidal particles whose size are in the range 30 - 200 nm, which is appropriate to provide homogeneous
suspensions. The ZnO present in the prepared mixed oxides seems to increase particle size distribution and
to influence the arrangement of the particles after powder dispersion.


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How to Cite
Peverari, C., Pires, A. M., Gonçalves, R. R., & Serra, O. A. (2005). Synthesis, structural and morphological characterization of CeO2 – ZnO nanosized powder systems from Pechini’s method. Eclética Química, 30(1), 59–64.
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Powder Diffraction File PDF-2 database sets 1-44.

Pensylvannia: Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Stan-

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PDF numbers 75-0390 (CeO 2 ), 80-0074 (ZnO). CD – ROM.