Electrochemical noise analysis to obtain the Rsn value via FFT using Excel

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Sidineia Barrozo
Riberto Nunes Peres
Marcus José Witzler
Assis Vicente Benedetti
Cecílio Sadao Fugivara


Electrochemical noise (EN) measurements are based on the fluctuations of the electrochemical potential and the current that occur during, for example, a corrosion process without an external signal perturbation. EN analysis (ENA) allows assessment of the type of corrosion and rapid determination of the corrosion rate. Microsoft Excel®, an inexpensive and readily available software package, is an excellent tool for performing repetitive calculations, with automation that saves time for the users. It is a useful tool for the analysis of EN data using fast Fourier transform (FFT), a process that is often made repeatedly and, if not automated, is quite laborious. This work presents a step-by-step procedure using Excel to perform these calculations, automating the process of obtaining the spectral electrochemical noise resistance, . This routine was used to analyze experimental potential and current noise data recorded for chalcopyrite. The results were comparable to those obtained for the same set of experimental data using Origin® software.


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How to Cite
Barrozo, S., Peres, R. N., Witzler, M. J., Benedetti, A. V., & Fugivara, C. S. (2020). Electrochemical noise analysis to obtain the Rsn value via FFT using Excel. Eclética Química, 45(4), 57–70. https://doi.org/10.26850/1678-4618eqj.v45.4.2020.p57-70
Technical Notes


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