Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • In Step 1, select a section for your manuscript, verify one more time if you followed all these rules in Submission checklist, add Comments for the Editor if you want to, and click Save and continue.

  • In Step 2, you will upload your manuscript. Remember it will pass through a double-blind review process. So, do not provide any information on the authorship.

  • In Step 3, enter the submission’s metadata: authors’ full names, valid e-mail addresses and ORCID ID links (with “http” not “https”). Add a title, abstract, contributors and supporting agencies, and a list of references.

  • In Step 4, upload the cover letter, the graphical abstract and other supplementary material you want to include in your manuscript.

  • In Step 5, you will be able to check all submitted documents in the File summary. If you are certain that you have followed all the rules until here, click on Finish submission.

The Instructions for authors were updated on December 29th, 2023.


Corresponding author(s)

  • Write the cover letter.
  • Inform the full name, address and ORCID of all authors.
  • Write one paragraph remarking on the novelty and relevance of the work.
  • Declare that is responsible together with the coauthors for the integrity of the results submitted for publication.
  • Declare, on behalf of the other authors, that the submitted manuscript is original, and its content has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Declare if there is some conflict of interest between authors.
  • Inform the AUTHORS CONTRIBUTIONS according to CRediT taxonomy standardized contribution descriptions.
  • Inform the readers/reviewers how to access the research data (if any) and under what conditions they can be accessed.
  • Suggest 5 (five) potential reviewers for the manuscript.
  • Inform the coauthors that articles published in Eclét. Quím. are under the Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0.
  • Inform upon manuscript submission of the compliance with ethical precepts when applied (send it as a supplementary file).
  • Revise the manuscript up to 45 days after receiving the decision letter for the first round and 30 days for the other rounds.
  • Inform the Associated or Section Editor or the Editor-in-chief if some issue impedes the revising of the manuscript in time.
  • Revise the proofreading in three working days.
  • Maintain updated email address and telephone and inform the journal of any address change.
  • Answer as soon as possible all solicitations from the journal.
  • In a separate file and upon submission, inform the Editor-in-Chief if some Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have been used to prepare any part of the manuscript, to revise the grammar or to improve the English quality. The information should describe in detail what, how and where AI was used. The lack of clear and complete information can cause requirements from the editor to the authors or the article rejection (see item 6 of BEFORE SUBMISSION).


  • Coauthors and corresponding author(s) are responsible for the integrity of the results submitted for publication.
  • To be conscious that the submitted manuscript must be original, and its content has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Inform the corresponding author(s) if some Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have been used to prepare any part of the manuscript, to revise the grammar or to improve the English quality. The information should describe in detail what, how and where AI was used. The lack of clear and complete information can cause requirements from the editor to the authors or the article rejection.
  • Agree with AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS according to CRediT taxonomy standardized contribution descriptions written on the cover letter.
  • Maintain updated email address and telephone and inform the journal of any address change.




  1. Check Eclét. Quím.’s focus and scope

Eclética Química is a peer-reviewed continuous publication supported by the Institute of Chemistry of São Paulo State University (UNESP). It publishes original research as articles, reviews, short reviews, and communications in all areas of Chemistry, besides Technical Notes, and Articles in education in Chemistry and Chemistry-related areas and letters.


  1. Types of papers

            a. Original articles
            b. Reviews
            c. Short reviews
            d. Communications
            e. Technical notes
            f. Articles in education in chemistry and chemistry-related areas
            g. Letters
            h. Thematic sections dedicated to specific subjects inside the journal's scope, and articles from Symposia and Congresses.

Manuscripts submitted for publication as full articles and communications must contain original and unpublished results and should not have been submitted either partially or whole elsewhere. Manuscripts originating from scientific initiation, course completion monographs, Dissertations or PhD Thesis already deposited in Universities' repositories are accepted without considering it a violation of the journal's rules. Eclética Química also accepts pre-prints, since indicate the corresponding DOI and repository.


a. Original articles

The manuscript must be organized into sections as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Experimental
  3. Results and Discussion
  4. Conclusions

Section titles must be written in bold and sequentially numbered; only the first letter should be in uppercase letter. Subsections, numbered as exemplified, should be written in bold and italic letters; sub subsections numbered as exemplified, should be written in normal and italic letters; only the first letter should be in the uppercase letter.


            1. Introduction
            1.1. History

            2. Experimental
            2.1. Surface characterization
            2.1.1. Morphological analysis

b. Reviews

Review articles should be original and present state-of-the-art overviews in a coherent and concise form covering the most relevant aspects of the topic that is being revised and indicating the likely future directions of the field. The addition of an Outline and the criteria used to make the bibliography review are highly recommended. Therefore, before beginning the preparation of a Review manuscript, send a letter (one-page maximum) to the Editor with the subject of interest and the main topics that would be covered in the Review manuscript. The Editor will communicate his decision in two weeks. Receiving this type of manuscript does not imply acceptance to be published in Eclét. Quím. It will be peer-reviewed.

c. Short reviews

Short reviews should present an overview of the state-of-the-art in a specific topic within the scope of the journal and be limited to 5,000 words. Consider a table or image corresponding to 100 words. Before beginning the preparation of a Short Review manuscript, send a letter (one page maximum) to the Editor with the subject of interest and the main topics that would be covered in the Short Review manuscript.

d. Communications

Communications should cover relevant scientific results and are limited to 1,500 words or three pages of the journal, not including the title, authors’ names, figures, tables, and references. However, communications suggesting fragmentation of complete contributions are strongly discouraged by Editors.

e. Technical notes

Descriptions of methods, techniques, equipment, or accessories developed in the authors’ laboratory, if they present chemical content of interest are taken into consideration and their submission is stimulated by Eclética Química. They should follow the usual form of presentation, according to the peculiarities of each work. They should have a maximum of 25 pages, including figures, tables, diagrams, etc.

f. Articles in education in chemistry and chemistry-correlated areas

Research manuscripts related to teaching in Chemistry and innovative experiences for different education levels, mainly in undergraduate and graduate education are welcome. They should have a maximum of 25 pages, including figures, tables, diagrams, and other elements.

g. Letters

This section publishes obituaries of important scientists in chemistry or related areas, letters for the Editor or comments about published articles. Letters must be uploaded to the system in the Letters section. A paragraph informing the main reason for sending the letter is recommended. The corresponding author should provide the institution and ORCID of all authors, a Phone number, and an email. (This information should be uploaded as a supplementary file or added to the discussion topics in the OJS system).
Letters are published only by the Editor-in-Chief decision.

h. Thematic sections dedicated to specific subjects inside the journal's scope, and articles from Symposia and Congresses

Thematic sections with complete articles dedicated to Symposia and Congresses, and specific themes in chemistry and correlated areas can be published by Eclét. Quím. under the condition that a previous agreement with the Editor-in-Chief is established. Authors can submit manuscripts to the open Thematic Section and the Editor-in-Chief decides on the suitability of the manuscript to the theme of the respective Thematic Section. The authors must follow all the journal guidelines.


  1. Approval

Ensure all authors have seen and approved the final version of the article before submission. All authors must also approve the journal the corresponding author(s) are submitting to.


  1. Ethical guidelines

Before starting the submission process, please be sure that all ethical aspects mentioned below are followed. Violation of these ethical aspects may preclude authors from submitting or publishing articles in Eclét. Quím.

a. Coauthorship

The corresponding author is responsible for listing as coauthors only researchers who have taken part in the work, informing them about the entire manuscript content and obtaining their permission to submit and publish it.

Two Corresponding authors for an article may be accepted provided both have equivalent contributions to the article, one of them permanent in the Institution.

b. Nonauthors

Explicit permission of a nonauthor who has collaborated with personal communication or discussion to the manuscript being submitted to Eclét. Quím. must be obtained before being cited.

c. Unbiased research

Authors are responsible for carefully searching for all the scientific work relevant to their reasoning irrespective of whether they agree or not with the presented information.

d. Citation

Authors are responsible for correctly citing and crediting all data taken from other sources. This requirement is not necessary only when the information is a result of the research presented in the manuscript being submitted to Eclét. Quím. The authors should cite only relevant and original references, avoiding citing references of the reference.

e. Direct quotations

The word-for-word reproduction of data or sentences if placed between quotation marks and correctly cited is not considered ethical deviation when indispensable for the discussion of a specific set of data or a hypothesis.

f. Do not cite

Master’s Degree dissertations and PhDthese are highly discouraged by the Editors and can only be exceptionally accepted when no publication article exists; instead, the authors must cite the publications resulting from them.

g. Plagiarism

Plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and the suggestion of novelty when the material was already published are unaccepted by Eclét. Quím. Before sending a manuscript to the reviewer, The IThenticate antiplagiarism software will be used to detect any ethical deviation or similarity grade. The IThenticate antiplagiarism software will be used also before publishing the articles. In the case of suspicion, denounce or any information about misconduct involving authors, editors, or reviewers, or the manuscript, the editor-in-chief will adopt one of the different recommendations of the Retractions Guidelines from COPE, especially those indicated in the Editorial Policy (RETRACTING ARTICLES AND ISSUING AN EXPRESSION OF CONCERN item).

h. Simultaneous submissions

The same manuscript to more than one journal is considered an ethical deviation and conflicts with the declaration that has been made below by the authors.

i. Studies with humans or other animals

Before submitting manuscripts involving human beings, materials from humans or animals, the authors need to confirm that the procedures established, respectively, by the institutional committee on human experimentation and Helsinki’s declaration, and the recommendations of the animal care institutional committee were followed. The authors should upload the approval from the Ethical Committee from the Institution upon submission as a supplementary file. Editors may request complimentary information on ethical aspects.


  1. Copyright notice

The articles published by Eclética Química are licensed under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. This means that the authors maintain the copyright of the article and the journal maintains the priority of making the first publication. It is permitted to distribute, remix, adapt, and creation of new content if due credit is given to the authors and the journal.  Likewise, authors are responsible for the content of the published article.

When a published manuscript in Eclét. Quim. is also published in another journal, it will be retracted from Eclét. Quím. and the authors will be informed of the Editor's decision.

Since no ethical concerns exist, self-archive to institutional or personal web pages and disclosure in multimedia are permitted just after publication.


  1. About the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools is accepted since the authors declare and explicitly inform if they have been used to revise the grammar or to improve the English quality in the written process. The information should describe in detail what, how and where AI was used. The lack of clear and complete information can cause requirements from the editor to the authors or the article rejection.

Declaration of generative AI in scientific writing

The following guidance only applies to the writing process and does not to the use of AI tools for data analysis or drawing insights as part of the research process.

Authors are advised to use generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies (e.g., ChatGPT-3. ChatGTP-4), exclusively to enhance readability and language quality during the writing process. The usage of these technologies should be done with human oversight and control, and authors should carefully review and edit the generated output as AI has the potential to produce content that may sound authoritative but could be incorrect, incomplete, or biased.

AI and AI-assisted technologies should not be listed as an author or co-author or be cited as an author. Authorship implies responsibilities and tasks that can only be attributed to and performed by humans, as outlined in policy for authors.

When the use of AI or AI-assisted technologies in the writing process, authors must include a statement about it in the Ethics section with the following content:

Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process: during the preparation of this work the author(s) used [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication.

This declaration does not apply to the use of basic tools for checking grammar, spelling, references etc. If there is nothing to disclose, there is no need to add a statement.


  1. Conflict of the interest

Authors or the Corresponding author(s) (on behalf of all authors) are obliged to disclose any potential conflict of interest, which can be of a personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial nature. It can occur when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of a manuscript.

The author(s) should declare in a signed document any potential conflict of interest that may have influenced the work. This document must be uploaded on submission as a supplementary file or declared properly in the cover letter template.

Example of declaration when there is no conflict of interest:

"On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author declares and signs there is no conflict of interest involving this work."

Example of declaration of conflict of interest:

"This study was financed by a grant from (name, city, and country of Corporation). Dr. (surname) is on the scientific advisory board of (name, city, and country of Corporation). Dr. (surname) is a consultant and shareholder of (name, city, and country of Corporation). Drs. (surnames) declare no conflicts of interest associated with this study."


  1. Publication charges

Eclética Química is supported by the Institute of Chemistry/UNESP and publication is free of charge for authors.




We provide a template to help you prepare your cover letter.

To download it, click here.

a. The authors’ full names (they must be written in complete, separated by a comma). A plus sign (+) indicates the corresponding author. E-mail addresses, contact phone numbers, affiliations (neither more nor less than two instances) of all authors, and ORCID ID links.

Example: Authors names.
João M. José             Incorrect
J. M. José                   Incorrect
João Maria José     Correct!

1. Author Full Name1+
Affiliation: 1.
University, Faculty or Institute, City, Country. 2. Company, Division or Sector or Laboratory, City, Country. e-mail: address@mail.com, ORCID: https://orcid.org/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, Phone: xx xxxx xxxx

2. Author Full Name
Affiliation: 1. University, Faculty or Institute, City, Country. 2. Company, Division or Sector or Laboratory, City, Country. e-mail: address@mail.com, ORCID: https://orcid.org/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, Phone: xx xxxx xxxx

3. Author Full Name
Affiliation: 1. University, Faculty or Institute, City, Country. 2. Company, Division or Sector or Laboratory, City, Country. e-mail: address@mail.com, ORCID: https://orcid.org/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, Phone: xx xxxx xxx

4. Author Full Name
Affiliation: 1. University, Faculty or Institute, City, Country. 2. Company, Division or Sector or Laboratory, City, Country. e-mail: address@mail.com, ORCID: https://orcid.org/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, Phone: xx xxxx xxxx

5. Author Full Name
Affiliation: 1. University, Faculty or Institute, City, Country. 2. Company, Division or Sector or Laboratory, City, Country. e-mail: address@mail.com, ORCID: https://orcid.org/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, Phone: xx xxxx xxxx


b. One paragraph remarking on the novelty and relevance of the work.


c. ☐ The corresponding author, on behalf of the coauthors, declares to be responsible for the integrity of the results submitted for publication, that the manuscript is original, the content has not been published previously, and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.


d. The authors must inform if there is any conflict of interest (https://revista.iq.unesp.br/ojs/index.php/ecletica/about/submissions item 7: Conflict of interest)


e. Inform if Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have been used to prepare any part of the manuscript, revise the grammar, or improve the English quality.


f. Please answer the questions below about stimulating open review practices. The Journal respects the author's and reviewers' responses to the questions below.

(f1) Do the authors agree to disclose your identity to the reviewers?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ I prefer not to answer

(f2) Do the authors agree to publish your responses to reviewers if they agree to publish their review reports while maintaining anonymity?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ I prefer not to answer

(f3) Do the authors agree to publish your responses to reviewers if they agree to publish their review reports disclosing their identities?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ I prefer not to answer


g. Authors’ contribution
Include author contributions according to CRediT taxonomy standardized contribution descriptions. Please, visit this link (https://casrai.org/credit/) to find out which role(s) the authors fit into. Do not modify the role names. Do not write “all authors” in any role. Do not combine two or more roles in one line. If there are any roles that no author has engaged in, write “Not applicable” in front of the role name. Write the authors’ complete names.

Conceptualization: Assis Vicente Benedetti (Example)
Data curation: complete
Formal Analysis: complete
Funding acquisition: complete
Investigation: complete
Methodology: complete
Project administration: complete
Resources: complete
Software: complete
Supervision: complete
Validation: complete
Visualization: complete
Writing – original draft: complete
Writing – review & editing: complete


h. List of reviewers suggested
We kindly ask the authors to suggest five (5) suitable reviewers, providing full name, affiliation, and email.

Reviewer 1: Full Name, e-mail and affiliation.
Reviewer 2: Full Name, e-mail and affiliation.
Reviewer 3: Full Name, e-mail and affiliation.
Reviewer 4: Full Name, e-mail and affiliation.
Reviewer 5: Full Name, e-mail and affiliation.


i. Acknowledgements
The purpose of the ‘Acknowledgements’ section is to thank all the people who helped in the research but who do not qualify for authorship. Thank all those who have provided intellectual assistance and technical help (including writing and editing) or who have provided equipment or special materials.
Institutions that have helped financially with the work should be included in the ‘Financing’ section according to the rules. If there are no acknowledgements, adopt “Not applicable”.


j. Funding
Complete this section with funding information in the original language by entering the DOI and the grant number. If this work has not been funded adopt "Not applicable”. Ex.: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). https://doi.org/10.13039/501100002322. Finance Code 2013/2998/2014; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). https://doi.org/10.13039/501100003593. Grant No: 307546/2014. If there are no acknowledgements, adopt “Not applicable”


k. Data availability statement (Choose only one of the letters)
The data availability statement informs the reader where the data associated with your work is available, and under what conditions they can be accessed. They also include links (where applicable) to the data set. Therefore, authors must inform if:

a. The data are available in a data repository (cite repository and the DOI of the deposited data).
b. The data will be available upon request.
c. All data sets were generated or analyzed in the current study.
d. Data sharing is not applicable (in cases where no data sets have been generated or analyzed during the current study. It should be declared).

We would like to emphasize that embargoes of any kind are not accepted.

Has this study used human beings and/or animals?
☐ Yes (Please upload the approval of the study by the ethical committee to the Journal system.)
☐ No

m. All authors and coauthors should fill the spreadsheet fields with keywords representing your research area (reviewing interests). Click on the following link:

Example: Assis Vicente Benedetti; assis.v.benedetti@unesp.br; electrochemistry; microelectrochemistry; corrosion; coatings; thermal spray; metallic alloys; surface analysis; bulk materials; electrochemistry of minerals; electrochemical impedance; cyclic voltammetry.



We provide a template to help you prepare your manuscript.

To download it, click here.

  1. General rules

Only manuscripts written in English are accepted. British or American usage is acceptable, but they should not be mixed. Non-native English speakers are encouraged to have their manuscripts professionally revised before submission.

Manuscripts must be sent in editable files as *.doc, *.docx or *.odt. The text must be typed using font style Times New Roman and size 12. Space between lines should be 1.5 mm and paper size A4, top and bottom margins 2.5 cm, left and right margins 2.0 cm.

All contributions must include an abstract (170 words maximum), three to five keywords and a graphical abstract (5 x 11.5 cm (high x wide) Resolution of 300 ppi).

The appendix should be included at the end of the main text of the manuscript.

Supplementary information: all types of articles accept supplementary information (SI) that aims at complementing the main text with material that, for any reason, cannot be included in the article.


The title should be concise, and explanatory and represent the content of the work. The title must have only the first letter of the sentence in uppercase. The following are not allowed: acronyms, abbreviations, geographical location of the research, en or em dashes (which must be replaced by a colon). Titles do not have periods.


Abstract is the summary of the article. The abstract must be written as a running text not as structured topics, but its content should present background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusion. It cannot contain citations. The text should be written in a single paragraph with a maximum of 170 words.


Keywords are intended to make it easier for readers to find the content of the text. As fundamental tools for database indexing, they act as a gateway to the text. The correct selection of keywords significantly increases the chances that a document will be found by researchers on the topic, and consequently helps to promote the visibility of an article within a myriad of publications. 3 to 5 keywords should be added. Eclét. Quím. adopts no area descriptors.


Highlights are mandatory for Eclét. Quím., since they may increase the discoverability of the article. They consist of a short collection of bullet points that evidence the novel results and new methods (if any) used in the study. Please, see examples of highlights in several journals.

Highlights should be sent before the title of the main text of the manuscript in a separate page and include 3 to 5 bullet points (85 characters maximum, including spaces, per bullet point).


Figures, tables, and equations must be written with initial capital letter followed by their respective number and period, in bold, without adding zero “Table 1”, preceding an explanatory title. Tables, Figures and Equations should appear after the first citation and should be numbered according to the ascending order of appearance in the text (1, 2, 3...).

Figures, tables, schemes, and photographs already published by the same or different authors in other publications may be reproduced in manuscripts of Eclét. Quím. only with permission from whoever owns the copyright. Permission from the copyright must be provided by the authors before publishing the article, preferentially upon submission.

Nomenclature, abbreviations, and symbols should follow IUPAC recommendations.



The graphical abstract is mandatory for Eclét. Quím. and must summarize the manuscript in an interesting way to catch the attention of the readers. As already stated, it must be designed with 5 x 11.5 cm (high x wide) and a resolution of 300 ppi resolution is mandatory for this journal. It must be submitted as *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.tif or *.ppt files as supplementary file.

We provide a template to help you prepare your GA.

To download it, click here.



When appropriate, important data to complement and a better comprehension of the article can be submitted as a Supplementary File, which will be published online and will be made available as links in the original article. This might include additional figures, tables, text, equations, videos, or other materials that are necessary to fully document the research contained in the paper or to facilitate the readers’ ability to understand the work.

Supplementary material should be presented in an appropriate .docx file for text, tables, figures, and graphics. All supplementary figures, tables and videos should be referred in the manuscript body as “Table S1, S2…”, “Fig. S1, S2…” and “Video S1, S2 …”.

At the end of the main text, the authors must inform: This article has supplementary information.

Supplementary information will be published following the article with the same DOI number as the article.



From September 4th, 2024,  a custom style for Eclet. Quim. for users of Mendeley Reference Manager users has become available.

A) For Mendeley users'

For users of Mendeley Reference Manager, a custom style for Eclet. Quim. is available at http://csl.mendeley.com/styles/585805711/eclet-quim-style. This style, which adapts the ACS format, was developed specifically for use with the CSL Mendeley platform. For instructions on how to add references using the Eclet. Quim. style, please follow the guidelines provided below:

If you have questions or difficulties using this style, please get in touch with Eclética Química (revistaecleticaquimica@gmail.com)


B) For no Mendeley users'

From who does not use Mendeley, follows the ACS Style Quick Guide and the Williams College LibGuides.

Indication of the sources is made by authorship and date. So, the reference list is organized alphabetically by the author.

Each citation consists of two parts: the in-text citation, which provides brief identifying information within the text, and the reference list, a list of sources that provides full bibliographic information.

We encourage the citation of primary research over review articles, where appropriate, to give credit to those who first reported a finding. Find out more about our commitments to the principles of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).

What information you must cite?

            a. Exact wording taken from any source, including freely available websites.
            b. Paraphrases of passages.
            c. Summaries of another person’s work.
            d. Indebtedness to another person for an idea.
            e. Use of another researcher’s work.
            f. Use of your previous work.

The authors do not need to cite common knowledge.

Water is a tasteless and odorless liquid at room temperature (common knowledge, no citation needed).

In-text citations

The authors can choose the cite their references within or at the end of the phrase, as shown below.


Within the cited information:
One author: Finnegan (2004) states that the primary structure of this enzyme has also been determined.
Two authors: Finnegan and Roman (2004) state that the structure of this enzyme has also been determined.
Three or more authors: Finnegan et al. (2004) state that the structure of this enzyme has also been determined.
PREPRINT Reference: Finnegan et al. (2004, PREPRINT) state that the structure of this enzyme has also been determined.


At the end of the cited information:
One author: The primary structure of this enzyme has also been determined (Finnegan, 2004).
Two authors: The primary structure of this enzyme has also been determined (Finnegan and Roman, 2004).
Three or more authors: The primary structure of this enzyme has also been determined (Finnegan et al., 2004).
PREPRINT Reference: The primary structure of this enzyme has also been determined (Finnegan et al., 2004, PREPRINT).


If you need to cite more than one reference in the same brackets, separate them with semicolon and write them in alphabetic order:

The primary structure of this enzyme was determined (Abel et al., 2011; Borges, 2004; Castro et al., 2021).


Bibliographic references

Articles from scientific journals
Foster, J. C.; Varlas, S.; Couturaud, B.; Coe, J.; O’Reilly, R. K. Getting into Shape: Reflections on a New Generation of Cylindrical Nanostructures’ Self-Assembly Using Polymer Building Block. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141 (7), 2742−2753. https://doi/10.1021/jacs.8b08648

Hammond, C. The Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction, 4th ed.; International Union of Crystallography Texts on Crystallography, Vol. 21; Oxford University Press, 2015.

Book chapter
Hammond, C. Crystal Symmetry. In The Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction, 4th ed.; International Union of Crystallography Texts on Crystallography, Vol. 21; Oxford University Press, 2015; pp 99−134.

Book with editors
Mom the Chemistry Professor: Personal Accounts and Advice from Chemistry Professors Who Are Mothers, 2nd ed.; Woznack, K., Charlebois, A., Cole, R. S., Marzabadi, C. H., Webster, G., Eds.; Springer, 2018.

ACS Publications Home Page. https://pubs.acs.org/ (accessed 2019-02-21).

Document from a website
American Chemical Society, Committee on Chemical Safety, Task Force for Safety Education Guidelines. Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Academic Institutions. American Chemical Society, 2016. https://www.acs.org/content/dam/acsorg/about/governance/committees/chemicalsafety/publications/acs-safety-guidelines-academic.pdf (accessed 2019-02-21).

Conference proceedings
Nilsson, A.; Petersson, F.; Persson, H. W.; Jönsson, H. Manipulation of Suspended Particles in a Laminar Flow. In Micro Total Analysis Systems 2002, Proceedings of the μTAS 2002 Symposium, Nara, Japan, November 3−7, 2002; The Netherlands, 2002; pp 751−753. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-010-0504-3_50

Governmental and legislation information
Department of Commerce, United States Patent and Trademark Office. Section 706.02 Rejection of Prior Art [R-07.2015]. Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP), 9th ed., rev. 08.2017, last revised January 2018. https://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/s706.html#d0e58220 (accessed 2019-03-20).

Fugivara, C. S.; Guilherme, L. H.; Benedetti, A. V. Microstructure of a passive film galvanostatically grown on stainless steel. ChemRxiv. [PREPRINT] September 20, 2021. https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.xxxxxx.v1 (accessed 2021-12-19).

Lois-Caballe, C.; Baltimore, D.; Qin, X.-F. Method for Expression of Small RNA Molecules within a Cell. US 7 732 193 B2, 2010.

Streaming data
American Chemical Society. Game of Thrones Science: Sword Making and Valyrian Steel. Reactions. YouTube, April 15, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHRcGoje4j4 (accessed 2019-02-28).


For more information, you can access the ACS Guide Scholarly Communication and the Williams College LibGuides.



To make transparent the editorial process to authors, readers, members of the Editorial Team and the community, the flowchart is published on the webpage of the journal.


Editorial Flowchart

Action 2: Between two actions:
a. Check if the invited reviewers accepted the invitation (3 days). If not, send a reminder via email and send a list to Staff with more reviewers. Staff sends reminders for AE.
b. Check if the reviewing deadline (1st round 21 days) is soon and send an alert to reviewers (Staff makes this too).
c. To find the e-mail address of the reviewer who has agreed to give an opinion, go to: Submission ---> Users & Roles ---> Search ---> Type the reviewer's name
d. For invited reviews: Use your reviewer list sent to staff.

Action 3: Receiving the reviews (minimum 2 - Round 1) 
a. Read the review: observe if it contributes to improving the MS and is polite.
b. If it is not polite, clean the review, maintaining its essence.
c. If the review does not contribute or is too superficial (find another reviewer – 3 days)
Send decision to Staff (5 days)
Send to authors (they have 45 days) or recommend rejection in the present form (new submission possible)

Action 4: Receiving reviews (minimum 2 - Round 2 or more)

a. Reading the review: observe if it contributes to improving the MS and is polite.
b. If it is not polite, clean the review, maintaining its essence.
Send decision to Staff (5 days maximum)
c. Send to authors (30 days) or recommend rejection in the present form (new submission possible)

Action 5: Receiving the reviews (minimum 2 - Round 2 or more)
a. Read the review: observe if it contributes to improving the MS and is polite.
b. If it is not polite, clean the review, maintaining its essence.
Send decision to Staff (5 days maximum)
Recommend acceptance or go to another round or Reject.



The time elapsed between the submission and the first response of the reviewers is around three months. The average time elapsed between submission and publication is around seven months.

A resubmission (manuscripts “rejected in the present form” or subjected to “revision”) must contain a letter with the responses to the comments/criticism and suggestions of reviewers/editors that should accompany the revised manuscript.

All modifications made to the original manuscript must be highlighted.

A separate file with the answers to the reviewers'/editors' comments IS MANDATORY for all rounds.

  • The name of the editor(s) responsible for the evaluation of the manuscript will be published in the article.
  • Eclética Química offers reviewers and authors the option of, by mutual agreement, requesting or accepting:
                -     publication of opinions on approved articles with optional identification of reviewers; and
                -     mutual opening of their identities in the evaluation process.

If you want to check our Editorial process, click here.



Authors who have a manuscript accepted in Eclét. Quím. may be invited to act as reviewers.

Only the authors are responsible for the correctness of all information, data and content of the manuscript submitted to Eclét. Quím. Thus, the Editors and the Editorial Board cannot accept responsibility for the correctness of the material published in Eclét. Quím.



The material sent to Eclética Química will be handled in confidence except for review AND to investigate possible misconduct.


After accepting the manuscript, Eclét. Quím. technical assistants will contact the corresponding author or all authors regarding the manuscript page proofs to correct printing errors only, i.e., other corrections or contents improvement are not permitted. The proofs shall be returned in three working days via email.


Authors may only appeal once about the decision regarding a manuscript. To appeal against the Editorial decision on your manuscript, the corresponding author can send a rebuttal letter to the editor, including a detailed response to any comments made by the reviewers/editor. The editor will consider the rebuttal letter, and if dimmed appropriately, the manuscript will be sent to a new reviewer. The Editor's decision is final.



If you have any questions, please contact our team:

Prof. Assis Vicente Benedetti

Letícia Amanda Miguel
Technical support