Chemometrics in analytical chemistry – an overview of applications from 2014 to 2018
Main Article Content
A compilation of papers published between 2014 and 2018 was evaluated. Many papers related to multivariate calibration and classification have been reported, as well as, design of experiments applications and artificial intelligence methods. Some applications were highlighted, as medical and pharmaceutical, food analysis, fuels, biological and forensic for the chemometric techniques on this review. Most studies are related to developing methods for practical solutions in industry or routine analysis. A promising scenario is shown considering the number of published papers: a total of 832 for this period using the keywords, multivariate classification, multivariate calibration, analysis, chemometrics, prediction, analytical chemistry, artificial neural networks (ANN), design of experiments (DoE) and factorial design. An useful overview for Analytical Chemistry researchers´ combined with Chemometrics is presented in this review.
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