Preparation and thermal decomposition of solid state cinnamates of alkali earth metals, except beryllium and radium

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Ana Glauce Zaina Chiaretto
Marco Aurélio da Silva Carvalho Filho
Nedja Suely Fernandes
Massao Ionashiro


Solid state compounds of general formula ML2.nH2O [where M is Mg, Ca, Sr or Ba; L is cinnamate (C6H5-CH=CH-COO-) and n = 2, 4, 0.8, 3 respectively] have been synthetized. Thermogravimetry (TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction powder patterns have been used to characterize and to study the thermal stability and thermal decomposition of these compounds.


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How to Cite
Chiaretto, A. G. Z., Carvalho Filho, M. A. da S., Fernandes, N. S., & Ionashiro, M. (1998). Preparation and thermal decomposition of solid state cinnamates of alkali earth metals, except beryllium and radium. Eclética Química, 23(1), 91–98.
Original articles


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