Preparation and evaluation of atrazine immunoconjugate

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Carla dos Santos Riccardi
Ângela Regina Araújo
Hideko Yamanaka


In order to study the affinity reaction between the anti-atrazine antibody and atrazine, an enzyme was incorporated, as a marker, to an atrazine carboxylic derivative. The hapten and conjugate were synthesized and characterized by MS, IR and NMR. The interaction between monoclonal antibodies and hapten-HRP conjugate was investigated by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).


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How to Cite
Riccardi, C. dos S., Araújo, Ângela R., & Yamanaka, H. (2002). Preparation and evaluation of atrazine immunoconjugate. Eclética Química, 27(1SI), 27–34.
Original articles


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