Determination of Hg in water by CVAAS using 2-aminothiazole modified silica

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Fábio Arlindo Silva
Ilton Luiz de Alcântara
Paulo dos Santos Roldan
Cilene do Carmo Federici Padilha
Adriana Barbosa de Araújo
José Pedro Serra Valente
Ariovaldo de Oliveira Florentino
Pedro Magalhães Padilha


This paper discusses a rapid and sensitive method developed to determine trace levels of
mercury in natural water samples by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry using a preconcentration
system composed by mini-column packed with 100 mg of 2-aminothiazol modified silica gel (SiAT)
coupled on-line with the spectrometer’s cold vapor generator system. The optimum preconcentration
conditions are also described here. The preconcentrated Hg(II) ions were eluted directly from the column
to the spectrometer’s cold vapor generator system using 100 μL of 2 mol L -1 hydrochloric acid and the
retention efficiency achieved exceeded 95%. The enrichment factors determined were 29, 38 and 46
using 3, 4 and 5 mL of preconcentrated aqueous solutions containing 400 ng L -1 of Hg. The detection
limit calculated was 5 ng L -1 . The preconcentration procedure was applied to determine trace level
mercury in spiked river water samples.


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How to Cite
Silva, F. A., de Alcântara, I. L., Roldan, P. dos S., Padilha, C. do C. F., de Araújo, A. B., Valente, J. P. S., Florentino, A. de O., & Padilha, P. M. (2005). Determination of Hg in water by CVAAS using 2-aminothiazole modified silica. Eclética Química, 30(3), 47–55.
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