Thermal annealing effects on vanadium pentoxide xerogel films

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Glauciane do Nascimento Barbosa
Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff
Herenilton Paulino Oliveira


The effect of water molecules on the conductivity and electrochemical properties of vanadium
pentoxide xerogel was studied in connection with changes of morphology upon thermal annealing at
different temperatures. It was demonstrated that the conductivity was increased for the samples heated at
150 o C and 270 o C compared to the vanadium pentoxide xerogel. It was also verified a stabilization of
electrochemical processes of the insertion and de-insertion of lithium ions the structure of thermally annealed
vanadium pentoxide.


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How to Cite
Barbosa, G. do N., Graeff, C. F. de O., & Oliveira, H. P. (2005). Thermal annealing effects on vanadium pentoxide xerogel films. Eclética Química, 30(2), 07–15.
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