Kinetic evaluation of the dehydration of Yb(III) Lu(III) and Y(III) 4-chlorobenzylidenepyruvate by thermogravimetry (TG)

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Nedja Suely Fernandes
Antônio Souza de Araujo
Massao Ionashiro


The dehydration kinetic of Yb, Lu and Y 4-chlorobenzylidenepyruvate was studied by
using thermogravimetry and the kinetics parameters obtained by Flynn and Wall method suggest that
the dehydration step follows a first order mechanism. The activation energies calculated were 103.6,
96.6 and 97.2 kJ/mol and the lifetime considering the temperature of 31 and 101 o C for the dehy-
dration of these compounds were 23, 26, 31 minutes and 0.6, 1.3 and 1.4 seconds, respectively. The
results have similar values and suggest that the water is attached in the same way.


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How to Cite
Fernandes, N. S., de Araujo, A. S., & Ionashiro, M. (2006). Kinetic evaluation of the dehydration of Yb(III) Lu(III) and Y(III) 4-chlorobenzylidenepyruvate by thermogravimetry (TG). Eclética Química, 31(2), 39–43.
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