Use of modified silica gel for concentrating Pb (II) and Cd (II) occurring in form of complex anions

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Rubén del Toro Déniz
Marlene Seijo Echevarría
Zaida Fernández Terra
Ana María Peón Espinosa
Humberto Varela de Moya


The performance of silica gel, modified by the impregnation with a high molecular weight
quaternary amine (triethyl octadecyl ammonium iodide), used for the concentration of heavy metals
occurring in water is studied. The material under study captures Cd, Pb, which are capable of forming
stable complexes with I - ions.The results obtained about the metal capture, under dynamic conditions,
are described and metal ions are removed by desorption with EDTA and quantified by AAS.


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How to Cite
Déniz, R. del T., Echevarría, M. S., Terra, Z. F., Espinosa, A. M. P., & de Moya, H. (2007). Use of modified silica gel for concentrating Pb (II) and Cd (II) occurring in form of complex anions. Eclética Química, 32(2), 13–16.
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