Synthesis and characterization of solid 2-methoxycinnamylidenepyruvic acid

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Cláudio Teodoro de Carvalho
Adriano Buzutti de Siqueira
Elias Yuki Ionashiro
Marcos Pivatto
Massao Ionashiro


The 2-methoxycinnamylidenepyruvic acid (2-MeO-HCP) was synthesized and characterized for nuclear magnetic resonance (1H and 13C NMR), mass spectrometry (MS), Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The application of DSC for purity determination is well documented in literature and is used in the analysis of pure organic compounds. The molecular geometry and vibrational frequencies of 2-MeO-HCP have been calculated.


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How to Cite
de Carvalho, C. T., de Siqueira, A. B., Ionashiro, E. Y., Pivatto, M., & Ionashiro, M. (2008). Synthesis and characterization of solid 2-methoxycinnamylidenepyruvic acid. Eclética Química, 33(4), 61–67.
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