Flow injection analysis of vancomycin

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Marta Maria Duarte Carvalho Vila
Acacia Adriana Salomão
Matthieu Tubino


A flow injection method for the quantitative analysis of vancomycin hydrochloride, C66H75Cl2N9O24.HCl (HVCM), based on the reaction with copper (II) ions, is presented. HVCM forms a lilac-blue complex with copper ions at pH≅4.5 in aqueous solutions, with maximum absorption at 555 nm. The detection limit was estimated to be about 8.5×10-5 mol L-1; the quantitation limit is about 2.5×10-4 mol L-1 and about 30 determinations can be performed in an hour. The accuracy of the method was tested through recovery procedures in presence of four different excipients, in the proportion 1:1 w/w. The results were compared with those obtained with the batch spectrophotometric and with the HPLC methods. Statistical comparison was done using the Student’s procedure. Complete agreement was found at a 0.95 significance level between the proposed flow injection and the batch spectrophotometric methods, which present similar precision (RSD: 2.1 % vs. 1.9%).


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How to Cite
Vila, M. M. D. C., Salomão, A. A., & Tubino, M. (2008). Flow injection analysis of vancomycin. Eclética Química, 33(2), 67–72. https://doi.org/10.26850/1678-4618eqj.v33.2.2008.p67-72
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