Thermal decomposition of solid state compounds of lanthanide and yttrium benzoates in CO2 atmosphere

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José Roberto Locatelli
Adriano Buzutti de Siqueira
Cláudio Teodoro de Carvalho
Massao Ionashiro


Solid-state Ln-Bz compounds, where Ln stands for trivalent lanthanides and Bz is benzoate have been synthesized. Simultaneous thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis in a CO2 atmosphere were used to study the thermal decomposition of these compounds


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How to Cite
Locatelli, J. R., de Siqueira, A. B., de Carvalho, C. T., & Ionashiro, M. (2008). Thermal decomposition of solid state compounds of lanthanide and yttrium benzoates in CO2 atmosphere. Eclética Química, 33(1), 43–48.
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