Flow injection visible diffuse reflectance quantitative analysis of total sulfur in biodiesel, in plant leaves and in natural waters

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Matthieu Tubino
Carlos Alberto da Rocha Queiroz


Flow injection (FI) methodology, using diffuse reflectance in the visible region of the spectrum, for the analysis of total sulfur in the form of sulfate, precipitated in the form of barium sulfate, is presented. The method was applied to biodiesel, to plant leaves and to natural waters analysis. The analytical signal (S) correlates linearly with sulfate concentration (C) between 20 and 120 ppm, through the equation S=1.138+0.0934 C (r = 0.9993). The experimentally observed limit of detection is about 10 ppm. The mean R.S.D. is about 3.0 %. Real samples containing sulfate were analyzed and the results obtained by the FI and by the reference batch turbidimetric method using the statistical Student’s t-test and F-test were compared.


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How to Cite
Tubino, M., & Queiroz, C. A. da R. (2009). Flow injection visible diffuse reflectance quantitative analysis of total sulfur in biodiesel, in plant leaves and in natural waters. Eclética Química, 34(2), 29–36. https://doi.org/10.26850/1678-4618eqj.v34.2.2009.p29-36
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