Determination of patulin in apple juice by HPLC using a simple and fast sample preparation method

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Silvia Regina Sargenti
Carlos Alberto Araujo de Almeida


The goal of this work was to develop a simple and rapid preparation method for patulin analysis in apple juice without previous clean-up. This method combined sonication and liquid extraction techniques and was used for determination of patulin in 37 commercial apple juices available on the market in the South of Brazil. The method performance characteristics were determined using a sample obtained in a local market fortified at five concentration levels of patulin and done in triplicates. The coefficient of variation for repeatability at the fortification level of 20.70μg.L-1 was 3.53 % and the recovery 94.63 %, respectively. The correlation coefficient was 0.9996 and agrees with the requirements for a linear analytical method value. The detection limit was 0.21μg.L-1 and the quantification limit 0.70 μg.L-1. Only three of the analyzed samples were upper the allowed level of 50.00 μg.L-1 recommended for the World Health Organization.


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How to Cite
Sargenti, S. R., & de Almeida, C. A. A. (2010). Determination of patulin in apple juice by HPLC using a simple and fast sample preparation method. Eclética Química, 35(2), 15–21.
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