Spot-test identification and rapid quantitative sequential analysis of dipyrone

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Matthieu Tubino
Adriane Cristina Biondo
Marta Maria Duarte Carvalho Vila
Leonardo Pezza
Helena Redigolo Pezza


A qualitative spot-test and tandem quantitative analysis of dipyrone in the bulk drug
and in pharmaceutical preparations is proposed. The formation of a reddish-violet  color indicates a positive result. In sequence a quantitative procedure can be performed in the same flask. The quantitative results obtained were statistically compared with those obtained with the method indicated by the Brazilian  Pharmacopoeia, using the Student’s t and the F tests. Considering the concentration in a 100 μL aliquot, the qualitative visual limit of detection is about 5×10-6 g; instrumental LOD ≅ 1.4×10-4 mol L-1 ; LOQ ≅ 4.5×10-4 mol L-1.


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How to Cite
Tubino, M., Biondo, A. C., Vila, M. M. D. C., Pezza, L., & Pezza, H. R. (2010). Spot-test identification and rapid quantitative sequential analysis of dipyrone. Eclética Química, 35(1), 41–46.
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