Advantages of the use of heterogeneous catalyst for Huisgen cycloaddition reaction: synthesis and application of new metalorganic material capable of regeneration and reuse

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Mônica Freire Belian
Moara Targino da Silva
Aline de Andrade Alves
Ronaldo Nascimento de Oliveira
Wagner Eduardo da Silva


This works evaluates the catalytic capacity of metalorganic materials synthesized, based on Cu+ and ambidentade ligand in Huisgen cycloaddition reaction. The synthesis of 1,2,3-triazole was made using CuCl and CuI salts, and the [Cu(4,4’-dipy)]Cl and [Cu(4,4’-dipy)]I compounds as catalysts, with or without base catalysis by triethylamine. The copper salts and compounds lead to formation of the desired triazole product; however, in the synthesis mediated by [Cu(4,4’-dipy)]I does not generate the product, even after 48 h of reaction. The reaction with [Cu(4,4’-dipy)]Cl mediated or not by triethylamine showed high yields of 88 % and 70 %, respectively. The [Cu(4,4’-dipy)]Cl compounds was reused five times, and regenerated by ascorbic acid, maintaining thus, the same reaction yield.


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How to Cite
Belian, M. F., da Silva, M. T., Alves, A. de A., de Oliveira, R. N., & da Silva, W. E. (2018). Advantages of the use of heterogeneous catalyst for Huisgen cycloaddition reaction: synthesis and application of new metalorganic material capable of regeneration and reuse. Eclética Química, 43(1), 39–47.
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