Photoperoxidation of ciprofloxacin antibiotic in aqueous medium using Fe3-XO4-Y-TiO2 particles as catalyst
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Conventional treatment processes are not effective in removing micropollutants such as antibiotics and other drugs present in wastewater, and degradation methods based on advanced oxidative processes become attractive. Herein, it was synthesized Fe3-xO4-y-TiO2 particles by coprecipitation method and they were heat-treated at 100, 400, and 800 °C. The obtained solids were characterized by X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis and analytical determinations were performed using ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry. The particles were evaluated in photoperoxidation processes on the degradation of the ciprofloxacin antimicrobial in an aqueous solution. The studies took place at pH 9; with an H2O2 concentration of 31 mg L–1 and particle mass 0.22 g L–1 previously defined and, in these conditions, degradation percentages between 40 and 85% were observed, with the removal in the Photo/H2O2/Fe3-xO4-y-TiO2 800 °C. The kinetic study performed for this process revealed the process adjusts to the first-order kinetics during the 120 min of reaction. The use of the catalyst can be attractive with the potential for degradation of the studied antimicrobial.
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