Spectrophotometric determination of mosapride in pure and pharmaceutical preparations

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Hosakere Doddarevanna Revanasiddappa
M. A. Veena


Two simple and sensitive spectrophotometric methods (M 1 and M 2 ) for the determination of
mosapride in pure and in pharmaceutical preparations are described. These methods are based on the
interaction of diazotized mosapride (MSP) couples with chromotropic acid (CTA) [M 1 ] in alkaline
medium and diphenylamine (DPA) [M 2 ] in acidic medium. The resulting azo-dyes exhibit maximum
absorption at 560 nm and at 540 nm for methods M 1 and M 2 , respectively. All variables were studied
in order to optimize the reaction conditions. No interferences were observed from excipients, and the
validity of the each method was tested against reference method.


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How to Cite
Revanasiddappa, H. D., & Veena, M. A. (2007). Spectrophotometric determination of mosapride in pure and pharmaceutical preparations. Eclética Química, 32(4), 71–75. https://doi.org/10.26850/1678-4618eqj.v32.4.2007.p71-75
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