Determining design thinking elements in chemistry education: A Fuzzy Delphi method

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Norliyana binti Md. Aris
Nor Hasniza binti Ibrahim
Noor Dayana binti Halim
Nurul Hanani binti Rusli
Muhammad Nidzam bin Yaakob


Creating a high-quality learning environment where students can solve real-world problems and be receptive is essential for fostering students’ innovation competencies. Using appropriate pedagogical strategies and classroom activities is a crucial aspect of Malaysian education. This article uses the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) to design chemistry classroom teaching strategies based on the design thinking paradigm. This research involves 12 experts in purposive sampling to form a diverse panel encompassing expertise in Chemistry Education, Curriculum, Module Development, Research, and Innovation. Using the Fuzzy Delphi method (FDM), the data were analyzed. Four elements for exploratory constructs, two elements for construct interpretation, four elements for ideation, two elements for execution, and three elements for construct evolution met the FDM requirements, according to the findings. Its threshold value is less than 0.2, the expert consensus is less than 75%, and the average score of the fuzzy number is over 0.5. Encouraging design thinking in chemistry classes and thereby enhancing students’ innovation skills, this research unquestionably induces a paradigm shift in teaching practice.


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How to Cite
binti Md. Aris, N., binti Ibrahim, N. H. ., binti Halim, N. D., binti Rusli, N. H., & bin Yaakob, M. N. . (2025). Determining design thinking elements in chemistry education: A Fuzzy Delphi method. Eclética Química, 50, e–1566.
Articles in Education in Chemistry and Chemistry-Correlated Areas


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