To make transparent the editorial process to authors, readers, members of the Editorial Team and the community, the flowchart is published on the webpage of the journal.
Editorial Flowchart
Action 2: Between two actions:
a. Check if the invited reviewers accepted the invitation (3 days). If not, send a reminder via email and send a list to Staff with more reviewers. Staff sends reminders for AE.
b. Check if the reviewing deadline (1st round 21 days) is soon and send an alert to reviewers (Staff makes this too).
c. To find the e-mail address of the reviewer who has agreed to give an opinion, go to: Submission ---> Users & Roles ---> Search ---> Type the reviewer's name
d. For invited reviews: Use your reviewer list sent to staff.
Action 3: Receiving the reviews (minimum 2 - Round 1)
a. Read the review: observe if it contributes to improving the MS and is polite.
b. If it is not polite, clean the review, maintaining its essence.
c. If the review does not contribute or is too superficial (find another reviewer – 3 days)
Send decision to Staff (5 days)
Send to authors (they have 45 days) or recommend rejection in the present form (new submission possible)
Action 4: Receiving reviews (minimum 2 - Round 2 or more)
a. Reading the review: observe if it contributes to improving the MS and is polite.
b. If it is not polite, clean the review, maintaining its essence.
Send decision to Staff (5 days maximum)
c. Send to authors (30 days) or recommend rejection in the present form (new submission possible)
Action 5: Receiving the reviews (minimum 2 - Round 2 or more)
a. Read the review: observe if it contributes to improving the MS and is polite.
b. If it is not polite, clean the review, maintaining its essence.
Send decision to Staff (5 days maximum)
Recommend acceptance or go to another round or Reject.