Sensitive spectrophotometric assessment of carbofuran using dapsone as a new chromogenic reagent in formulations and environmental samples
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in various formulations and in environmental water samples is described. The method is based on the
coupling of hydrolyzed carbofuran with diazotized dapsone in alkaline medium at 0 – 4° C which gives
orange red colored product having the absorption maximum at 480 nm. The product is stable for 48 h.
Beer’s law is obeyed in the concentration range of 0.1 – 4.0 μg ml -1 . The molar absorptivity and Sandell’s
Sensitivity are 5.0 x 10 4 L mol-1 cm -1 and 4.4 ng cm -2 respectively. The method is highly reproducible
and is confirmed by RSD values (1.144 %). From the recovery studies it is found that this method is
accurate and it can be successfully employed for the determination of carbofuran.
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