Determination of carbon monoxide using a coated quartz crystal sensor

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Orliney Maciel Guimarães
Maria Elisabete Darbello Zaniquelli
Jorge Ricardo Moreira Castro
Valdir Roberto Balbo
José Fernando de Andrade


Carbon monoxide was detected and determined by a piezoelectric quartz crystal sensor
coated with nickel(II)-phthalocyanine 50 % (v/v) solution in glycerine. Studies on the effect of
temperature, flow rate, and some possible interferents were carried out. Calibration curves, sensor
stability (lifetime) and the precision of measurements were also verified. The resulting selectivity is
probably due to the coordinative binding between the electronically unsatured metal complexes and the
analyte. The analytical curve is linear in the concentration range 0.10 to 1.0 % (v/v).


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How to Cite
Guimarães, O. M., Zaniquelli, M. E. D., Castro, J. R. M., Balbo, V. R., & de Andrade, J. F. (2006). Determination of carbon monoxide using a coated quartz crystal sensor. Eclética Química, 31(4), 23–29.
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