Analysis of metabolites from plants of the Swartzia genus using chemical indexes: evolutionary tendencies

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Aderbal Farias Magalhães
Ana Maria Goulart de Azevedo Tozzi
Celira Caparica Santos
Eva Gonçalves Magalhães


The chemical indexes, suggested by Gottlieb et al., have not been used before regarding
evolutionary tendency of species in the Swartzia genus. However, the importance of this work encour-
aged for an analysis of the Swartzia genus using the metabolites isolated from nine species. The analy-
sis, based on calculated chemical indexes, provided an evolutionary tendency for these plants, which
correlates with the classification based on morphological analysis.


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How to Cite
Magalhães, A. F., Tozzi, A. M. G. de A., Santos, C. C., & Magalhães, E. G. (2006). Analysis of metabolites from plants of the Swartzia genus using chemical indexes: evolutionary tendencies. Eclética Química, 31(2), 13–16.
Original articles


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