Extraction and characterization of essential oils from fresh and dry leaves of Pinus elliottii

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Leonardo Pratvieira Deo
Gabriela Aguiar Campolina
Cassia Duarte Oliveira
Kassy Jhones Garcia
Maria das Graças Cardoso


Essential oils are secondary metabolites whose properties have been studied mainly with emphasis on antimicrobial, biological and pharmaceutical fields, such as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, pest control and insect repellents. Essential oils from fresh and dry leaves of Pinus elliottii were extracted by hydrodistillation, chemically characterized and quantified by gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer. The plant leaves were collected in a reforested area in the south of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The two main components in both characterized essential oils were Germacrene D and β-Pinene. In the essential oil from fresh foliage, Germacrene D (47.71%) was the majority component, while in the essential oil from dry foliage, β-Pinene (30.06%) was the majority component. Literature data point that essential oils with large amount of Germacrene D may act as antibacterial and repellent agents. Additionally, literature data also support that essential oils with large amount of β-Pinene exhibit several biological properties, similar to the Germacrene D, in addition with a wide range of medicinal and pharmacological activities. Thus, from our results and with literature data, it is possible to elucidate new potential applications to essential oils from fresh and dry leaves of Pinus elliottii.


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How to Cite
Deo, L. P., Aguiar Campolina, G. ., Oliveira, C. D., Garcia, K. J., & Cardoso, M. das G. . (2024). Extraction and characterization of essential oils from fresh and dry leaves of Pinus elliottii. Eclética Química, 49, e–1531. https://doi.org/10.26850/1678-4618.eq.v49.2024.e1531
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