Voltammetric glassy carbon sensor approach for the extended stability studies of doxorubicin in lyophilized dosage form
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Doxorubicin (DOX) is an anthracycline antibiotic that is widely used in the clinical treatment of cancer patients. DOX has a high market value. Electroanalytical methods for DOX analysis are an alternative and promising approach compared to chromatographic techniques. In this context, electroanalysis provides a low-cost method for determining drugs such as DOX lyophilized powder for the injection. Differential pulse voltammetry with a glassy carbon electrode was used. DOX stability after reconstitution was performed, and the correct time for safe administration to patients in hospitals was determined. The electroanalytical method showed a limit of detection of 0.54 µmol L‑1 and limit of quantification of 1.83 µmol L–1, which is enough for the application in quality control of DOX. The high-performance liquid chromatography analysis was also applied in pharmaceutical samples containing DOX to compare with the proposed method, showing that the obtained results are relatively similar for both methods. Therefore, the electroanalytical approach shows the viability of an attractive alternative technique for applying this sensor for drug quality control.
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