Effect of the deformation parameter on the nonrelativistic energy spectra of the q-deformed Hulthen-quadratic exponential-type potential
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In this study, an approximate solution of the Schrödinger equation for the q-deformed Hulthen-quadratic exponential-type potential model within the framework of the Nikiforov–Uvarov method was obtained. The bound state energy equation and the corresponding eigenfunction was obtained. The energy spectrum is applied to study H2, HCl, CO and LiH diatomic molecules. The effect of the deformation parameters and other potential parameters on the energy spectra of the system were graphically and numerically analyzed in detail. Special cases were considered when the potential parameters were altered, resulting in deformed Hulthen potential, Hulthen potential, deformed quadratic exponential-type potential and quadratic exponential-type potential. The energy eigenvalues expressions agreed with what obtained in literature. Finally, the results can find many applications in quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular physics.
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